Review: Wheel of Fortune Metro ArtsCatherine Lawrence2 June 2018Metro Arts, TAM Presents, Wheel of Fortune, Drama, Blended Film and Theatre, Optic Archive, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: Here Comes The Bride! Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence27 May 2018Anywhere Festival, comedy, Immersive, Victoria Posner, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: The Lounge Suite Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence26 May 2018Anywhere Festival, The Candy Shop Show, Pengelly Productions, Musical theatre, Dance, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: The Box Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence24 May 2018Anywhere Festival, UQ Theatre Festival, physical theatre, drama, Screech Arts, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: A Midsummer Night's Whatever (Review by Geoff Lawrence) Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence21 May 2018Creative Futures Photography, ImprovComment
Review: Super Circus Squad Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence20 May 2018Anywhere Festival, circus, Children, Queensland Maritime Museum, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: To Sergio With Love Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence20 May 2018Anywhere Festival, Brisbane Modern, Music, The View From Madeleine's Couch, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: Proximity Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence19 May 2018Anywhere Festival, Flipside Circus, physical theatre, Proximity, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: Gretel Anywhere FestivalCatherine Lawrence16 May 2018Anywhere Festival, UQ Theatre Festival, Scrambled Eggs Ensemble, Scrambled Prince theatre Company, New work, drama, student drama, UQ Great Court, Creative Futures PhotographyComment
Review: Invisible Things Anywhere Festival, Brisbane PowerhouseCatherine Lawrence14 May 2018Anywhere Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse, dance, circus, Creative Futures PhotographyComment